Flooring work is a worthwhile investment, especially floors that have lasted long. According to the Motley Fool, the average cost recovery for hardwood floor finish is about 100% which implies that you will get back whatever amount you spend on refinishing the floor whenever you resell the house.
Refinishing planks is one of the best methods of improving how older hardwood floors look. This procedure helps remove older finishes, thus making it compatible with any finish applied. Here are five things to consider when refinishing your floors.
When you decide to refinish your house floors, you should begin preparing the floor for the finishing. While this task is handled by the experts, before they get to the site, you should move the furniture around and pull up the carpets so that they can start working. The refinishers begin by hammering down nails and checking if there are loose boards. After that, a comprehensive cleaning will be carried out to remove all dust traces.
Another critical aspect of
hardwood floor refinishing is the sanding of the wood. This process helps remove scratches and stains. During this stage, great precautions such as wearing safety goggles, masks, and full sleeve suits are employed for total safety while working on the site.
A buffer and a fine-grit screening pad help level up all unevenness in this stage. This helps the tabletop achieve total smoothness so that the polyurethane can blend well with the surface.
For your hardwood floor refinishing to be perfect, you must engage in rigorous vacuuming and sweeping to ensure the floors are well cleaned. Different measures are usually taken in this step, such as shutting the windows and doors to prevent dust inflow.
Finally, you will need to apply a protective coat of wood finish to give your wooden floors the needed protection. There are several finishes available in the market that you can use to make your floors look as new as possible. As soon as the finishing dries up, you can put the furniture in place, but do not drag it on newly refurbished floors.
In summary, keeping your house in top shape will determine its overall value. Hardwood floor refinishing is one of the smartest ways to increase the overall value of your home while giving it the new and exciting touch it deserves.
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